Friday, 6 May 2016

Norwich 3-4 May 16

Time for the 1st annual service and habitation check and we cannot believe that we have had this van for a year. Where does the time go?

Luckily the dealer lets us spend the night on his forecourt, so we parked up and had a fantastic Thai meal in the local restaurant. Next morning we handed the van over for the day for the servicing and a few "snags" (the screw had worked loose on the front blinds, the passenger seat plinth wasn't assembled quite correctly and one of the cupboard stays was a bit slack) and off we went in the courtesy car to Norwich for the day.

Our new top of the range, high quality, bed linen from Primani


Caistor on Sea
All serviced, checked and with a clean bill of health we returned home to repack the van for the next trips. The annual habitation check is a great opportunity for emptying out and repacking the essentials - it's amazing how much extra crud get accumulated over the year.

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