On Friday it rained. It rained some more and then, for a change, it rained again. We had spent some time negotiating the ridiculous Caravan Club booking system to obtain 2 nights at the Incleboro Fields site near Sheringham and we were really in two minds whether or not to go as it was a bank holiday and the prices are horrendous, plus the roads would be jam-packed. Anyway - go we did and arrived on site after a long 2.5 hour drive in quite heavy traffic, but at least it was dry!
After the usual indecisive meander around the huge site looking for a pitch, we eventually found a nice, near level spot quite near to the exit. We laughed at the caravans pulling in and trying to arrange wooden blocks to suspend their sheds up in the air to cope with the sloping pitches, and shook our heads at the attempts to take over the world with awnings, sunshades, windbreaks and various other paraphernalia.
The following day we walked into Cromer, decided we didn't really like it all that much, and walked back along the beach, again buying Cromer crab for a nice sandwich for lunch (although the Sheringham crab tasted better). In the afternoon we had a bit of a relax in the sunshine and then, after dinner pootled around the lovely smelling hills (the gorse really whiffs of coconut at this time of year) to watch the sun go down. The only downside were the families along the row a bit from our pitch. The kids were fine - it is the mothers who insist on conversing with their offspring at a decibel level that any Guards drill sergeant would be proud of! Why DO they do that? I thought children had sensitive hearing?
On Monday we were up and gone whilst the shed-draggers were still dismantling the huge circuses they insist on attaching to their vans. The queues of traffic heading for the seaside were a sight to behold.
The site is nice, but we have done this areas to death now and it is time to go elsewhere as it is just too far for a weekend away.