The final game of the season at the Stoop and the chance to meet up with my fellow retiree, Martin, suggested that yet another weekend at Chertsey was on the cards, particularly as the weather in late April should be a bit kinder.
As for the weather? Well, we can confirm that the bus is watertight and we also discovered that the awning is a real boon when it just doesn't stop raining.
Anyway, it was the usual run down on Friday (but in the morning now that I have time on my hands). Parked up on grass this time as there was no hard standings left (thanks to the useless camping club online system that is completely pants). I then wandered over to the river and found Martin and Mr Bumburglar moored up under the bridge. Martin decided that the mooring was not the optimum one, so moved into the bay in front of the hotel, throwing a line to me to haul him into the berth. I hauled and tugged until blue in the face, only to find that he had run aground and I was trying to haul 15 tons of metal and biscuits, plus shift the bed of the River Thames! Back we went and tied up at the original mooring and repaired to the pub for a spot of lunch.
The afternoon was spent wandering around the pubs of Chertsey (interesting and probably not recommended) before meeting Debs at the station and retiring back again to the pub for dinner.
Saturday, off to Twickenham to watch Harlequins v Leicester. which was fantastic game which we sadly lost. Ho hum, but there was some consolation in watching Murphy, the obnoxious Leicester Captain, get well and truly mullered by our brave boys! We then trundled back to Chertsey and Martin joined us for a consolation bottle of wine or 3.
Sunday, up and about and then off on a cruise to Runnymede in glorious warm sunshine. A quick cream tea in the National Trust tearooms (yummy) and then a walk up to the JFK memorial and the Magna Carta Memorial, before heading back to the boat just in time for the rain to start again. Damp, but content, we retired to the bus for dinner (BBQ chops cooked on the new(ish) grill). Knackered, we retired to bed fairly early and, in the morning, waved Martin off as he continued his travels, packed up and headed home in the continuing rain.